How I Should Prepare Myself for a Tummy Tuck?
First of all, in the preparing process for a tummy tuck referred also as abdominoplasty requires a healthy, high protein diet for at least 2-4 weeks pre-op and make sure you’re not constipated.
The other important thing in the preparing process is being mentally ready. To achieve that, you should share your concerns with your surgeon in your consultation.
Your tummy tuck may be performed in a hospital, an independent surgical facility, or an office-based surgical suite.
In my practice, once you’re prepared for surgery, my medical team and I will follow the surgical plan we agreed on. Often a general anesthesia is used so you will be asleep during the abdominoplasty. Surgery typically takes between two to four hours depending on your size. Please click for before and after photos
How Long is Downtime for Tummy Tuck?
Generally, abdominoplasty involves a recovery period of longer than most plastic surgical procedures. It generally takes 3 weeks to get over the first phase of recovery.
However, downtime for abdominoplasty can vary from patient to patient, depends on the size of the operated area of your body.
The exact downtime will be determined by your surgeon according to your surgery results.
Can I Take Vitamin C and Other Supplement Before and After Surgery?
I always recommend my patients to suspend all multi-vitamins, aspirin, ibuprofen, and herbal supplements at least 3 weeks before surgery. Many of those on the list will interfere with blood clotting.
Vitamin C is usually not on such a list but not necessary anyway.
Do You Need to Lose Weight Before a Tummy Tuck Operation?
It’s mostly acceptable that being at a healthy BMI before a tummy tuck surgery will allow you a safer surgical experience.
Being at an average healthy weight will increase the safety of the procedure.It also minimize the possibilities that additional abdominoplasty will become necessary.
Tummy Tuck – Burning Sensation at Incision Site?
A burning sensation one-week post-op is very common after a tummy tuck. It may be in the process of healing to a skin nerve and often it will resolve by time.
Just in case, that sensation can also be a sign of infection, so you should talk to your surgeon and have a detailed examination in person.

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Comments: 2
I had three babies and I really need a tummy tuck I’m so depressed and so emotional about my body type I don’t like showing my pictures to people or when I’m shopping or at places people ask me if I’m pregnant how far along I am and I also have stretch marks and I don’t like the look of my body when I am with my partner I always wear a shirt to cover my body when we are having our moments I’m so self-conscious that this is really hurting me I’m disgusted how I look I don’t even like being in public because the way I feel about my body when I talk to people on Facebook or messenger I’ll show pictures of my face but not my body and they asked me what my body type is I don’t answer them I ignore them and I don’t want to say I’m fat.